Chicago Daily Law Bulletin
Goldberg Kohn Principal David Chizewer is quoted in "Armstrong Case Rolls Through Twists, Turns," published in the Feb. 5, 2013, edition of the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
The article concerns a whistleblower case brought by one of Lance Armstrong's former teammates, Floyd Landis. Landis alleges that Armstrong committed fraud of more than $30 million against the U.S. Postal Service, a sponsor of Armstrong's team. Landis brought the case as a whistle-blower under the federal False Claims Act (FCA), which seeks to recover money defrauded from the government. Landis stands to receive up to 30 percent of the money recovered by the lawsuit but, according to Mr. Chizewer, his role in the doping scheme could affect his chances at recovering money.
"There is a provision in the federal False Claims Act that allows the government to take into consideration whether or not the whistle-blower was an active participant in the fraud when determining what, if any, reward that whistle-blower should get," Chizewer said.