Jonathan Cooper
Reproduced with permission from The Secured Lender
Richard Kohn and Jonathan Cooper, principals in the firm's Commercial Finance Group, participated in a teleconference for the Commercial Finance Association (CFA) regarding asset-based lending in Mexico. A transcript of this teleconference is published in July/August 2008 edition of The Secured Lender.
Richard Kohn is co-general counsel of the CFA and for the past six years has represented the CFA at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNICITRAL) in connection with a project to help countries enact modern secured transactions laws. Richard is also a consultant to the United Nations in connection with that project.
Jonathan Cooper also works on the UNICITRAL project and has significant experience in international commercial finance transactions in both the western hemisphere and Europe.
The other participants in the teleconference were Hugo Cuesta, a partner at the law firm of Cuesta Campos & Asociados in Mexico, who has significant experience in asset-based lending transactions; Ildefonso Acevedo, the chief executive with Hilco Acetec, a leading provider of appraisal and asset disposition services in Mexico; and Arnie Dratt, CEO of Chicago-based Hilco Appraisal Services.